‘Pineapple Kid’ is a new Game Boy title with a free online demo

Pineapple Kid

Pineapple Kid is a new puzzle platformer for the original Game Boy, with an online demo available right now.

Found here, the demo gives players a chance to tackle 19 levels where they’ll need to direct a cute little pineapple around maze-like puzzles before they can get a key and progress to the next stage.

A physical edition of the game will even be in your old Game Boy by Christmas, and it will contain more than 70 different levels to get through. Bitmap Soft will be opening pre-orders for the game tomorrow (October 16), and have bookmarked a page where buyers can keep an eye on the game.

As of publication (October 15) the link leads to a 404 error page, so NME has contacted Bitmap Soft and will update the story accordingly.

According to a story published in Nintendo Life, the game even has a story description, which reads: “The game tells the story of Pineapple Kid, a courageous pineapple that lives in a distant land where pineapples live a happy life. The pineapples always dreamt of having a happier life in a place called Pineapple Paradise.

“The legendary Tower that can grant the passage to Pineapple Paradise is rumoured to appear once in a 100 years but no one dared to challenge the Tower, and so the legend became only a tale. Until one day, Pineapple Kid stood up and made a journey to the Tower. This time the player (You!) can help out Pineapple Kid reach Pineapple Paradise!”

The game will also apparently be playable on Game Boy, Game Boy Colour, and Game Boy Advance when the physical edition launches.

In other news, Steam is removing NFT games from the platform as any games that use blockchain technology or cryptocurrency trading.


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‘Pineapple Kid’ is a new Game Boy title with a free online demo
Source: Pinas Mabuhay

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