John Williams reportedly knighted by Queen Elizabeth II before her death

John Williams

Legendary film composer John Williams was reportedly knighted by Queen Elizabeth II before her death.

According to a new report in The Daily Mail, Williams – who has scored countless films in a long and distinguished career, most notably Star Wars – was on a list approved by the queen to be honoured with a KBE for his role in improving UK-US relations.

Also on the list, according to the report, is former Disney chief executive Robert Iger. Despite the knighthoods, the pair won’t receive the title of ‘Sir’, an honour that is reserved for British nationals.

The news comes as Williams, who is also behind the film scores for Jurassic Park, Harry Potter and more, revealed that he is set to retire from scoring films after completing his work on the upcoming Indiana Jones 5.

In an interview with Associated Press, Williams, 90, revealed, “At the moment I’m working on Indiana Jones 5, which Harrison Ford – who’s quite a bit younger than I am – I think has announced will be his last film.

“So, I thought: If Harrison can do it, then perhaps I can, also.”

AP notes that Ford has yet to make such a public statement. Williams did leave himself room for a return, however, telling the outlet he didn’t want to be seen as “categorically eliminating any activity” from his future plans.

While Williams is moving away from scoring film, the five-time Oscar winner has stated that he will still be involved in music. He is reportedly currently writing a piano concerto for Emanuel Ax following his release of the album ‘A Gathering of Friends’ with cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Released on May 20, the album consisted of cello concertos and new arrangements from the scores of Schindler’s List, Lincoln and Munich.

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John Williams reportedly knighted by Queen Elizabeth II before her death
Source: Pinas Mabuhay

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